Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a Day!

Well I am not one to complain...not too much anyways, but today was one of those days that just wouldn't shine for me! :) Literally, there hasn't been sun around here for about 5 days now and it is gloomy! After a weekend where the sun was shining and the snow was melting...I was ready for spring.
We have all been fighting colds here at the house. I have been taking Zicam in hopes of warding it off. I have a scratchy throat and a semi-plugged nose, but it could be worse. The little one has it the worst. She has been coughing and her nose is like a leaky faucet. Poor thing. It doesn't seem to bother I shouldn't let it bother me too much either. We are keeping her comfortable and she is happy.
I have been expecting a package all week, and was almost positive I was going to get it today. I will fill you all in. I will be doing a review on it later. But, it never arrived. Did check the status of it on though and I will have it tomorrow....a ray of sunshine on a not so sunny day! I have major shopping to do...and I took my chance to do it today. My mom stayed home with the little one while I picked up things for next week's St. Patty's Day meal. And of course, all the little additions we needed in the cupboards. Well I was picking up stuff for Grasshoppers...and well one of the bottles fell out of my cart and all over the floor. I was MORTIFIED! Oh my goodness. I apologized over and over again, and offered to pay for it, but my grocery store never lets you pay for something that breaks....but oh my I was so embarassed. I decided it was time to go. I get home and realized I forgot quite a few things. So it looks like I am going to be heading back in after all. Do I show my face there again? Of course, but I will dodge in and dodge out and try not to break anything. What a DAY!

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